Our children are a reflection of our future. Their wellbeing today will determine how well their future will be and because we are concerned about a healthy future for our children, safeguarding them all from all forms of violence, sexual abuse, child abuse and exploitation as well as neglect is our collective responsibility. Our society today is failing our children – they are vulnerable and remain the most affected in every conflict situation – family disintegration, failing social institution, conflicts, wars, etc. More disturbing is the recent exposure of the child pornography ring around the world, it becomes even concerning with the increase in child trafficking, how children are being exploited sexually and abused. Hence, the need to help our children grow up and thrive healthily and whole is inevitable. Failure to achieve this will only make them grow up into bitter adults in a distant time, this is dangerous for any society bearing in mind that unhealed childhood trauma will breed a cycle of traumatised individuals who will also raise families.
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