The primary goal of all social work intervention is treatment of the whole person and to achieve this, we must take into cognizance the five (5) dimensions of health that are interconnected and interrelated working together to make a person or an individual whole. These dimensions of health are derived from the various definitions of health and more specifically the one put forward by the World Health Organisation (1986). We are conscious of the fact that our health and mental health are equally our right, we therefore, work to ensure that these rights are well protected. We advocate healthy lifestyle practices, which will in-turn promote health and mental wellbeing, as well as prevent diseases.
The five dimensions of health that make up a holistic health are: Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social and Spiritual health. As social workers, we are mindful of the fact that dysfunction in any dimension of health can upset and throw into chaos other dimensions of our health. Therefore, through thorough assessment, care planning, intervention and evaluation an individual can be restored to normal social functioning in the society, while we also raise awareness on these issues.
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