Every social work intervention process is incomplete without empowerment. Empowering an individual to not only become self-dependent but also become economically self-dependent is the focus of all casework intervention for service users who do not have any source of income. Rehabilitation entails helping an individual or groups of individuals to change their unpleasant actions considered a social problem or a trigger of social problems, for instance, rehabilitation of drug addicts or any form of addictive behaviours, etc. On the other hand, reformation is helping such individual or groups of individuals change their belief(s) system which make them behave in an unacceptable manner constituting as deviance or deviant behaviour and a social problem.
Primarily, our goal is aimed at restoring one back to optimal social functioning, helping them to become productive members of the society. Acquiring skills is very key to helping individuals or groups remain engaged productively as well as empowered for effective social functioning in the society.
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